I think the following is quite interesting, especially for those who say that Demigod needs 358585894190140489 Demigods to be varied.
Okay so lets assume there are 15 Demigods which is about the number I expect to see, with 9 Demigods already confirmed (assuming Vampire Lord and Oak aren't the same Demigod) .
Case I : One versus One.
Number of Matchups in total :
15+14+13+12+11+10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1 = 120 or more simply written ((15+1)*7)+8 = 120.
Number of Matchups without Mirrormatches :
120 - 15 = 105.
Case II : Five vs Five.
Lets calculate how many unique Demigod Combinations a single team can have. (that means it is the same if Player A1 has the Rook and Player A2 the Torchbearer or Player A1 has the Torchbearer and A2 has the Rook etc.). We also assume each Demigod can only be once in a team.
k = 15 ( number of elements in total)
n = 5 ( number of elements we pick)
15! / (5!*(15-5)! = 3003
Quite an Impressive Number already.
That means the Number of Matchups in total is :
3003+3002+3001+....+3+2+1 or more simply written ((3003+1)*1501)+1502 = 4510506
Number of Matchups without Mirrormatches:
4610506-3003= 4507503
I think thats enough Matchups to experiment with for a quite long time. Add the fact that each demigod and each team will have different possible builds and strategies and that each map will play differently and we should end up with a number so large that there are only silly words .
Finally as interesting Addition, if your team is a team of random players you could consider that Player A having Rook and Player B having Torchbearer isn't the same for your team as the other way round. of course the strategies of both teams remain the same but the players have to play another Demigod so its a difference for them.
a Team of 5 specific Demigod can have 5! = 120 different Permutations.
4510506*120 = 541260720
I expect the balancing beta for Demigod to be quite interesting